Book More Qualified Roof Inspections in Hail-Prone States

Our Conversational AI Outreach Assistant, targets homeowners with hail damage to schedule roof inspections.

With an average of 15 - 20 additional inspections monthly

our process

Hailstorm & Homeowner

Data Collection

With access to the most accurate and up-to-date hail and homeowner data, position your company as the go-to expert for roofing solutions post-hail damage. This not only boosts your credibility but also significantly increases customer trust and loyalty.

Ai-Powered Outreach Voice, SMS, Email

Our unique conversational voice chatbot technology targets homeowners in hail-impacted areas, offering real-time outreach that traditional methods can't match. Experience unparalleled efficiency in cold calling, SMS, and email outreach.

15-20 Booked Roof Inspections

Enhance your existing door-knocking efforts without replacing the invaluable personal touch of your sales team. Our personalized campaigns are designed to work alongside your strategies, boosting your inspection numbers by an average of 84%.

How we help

  • Targeted Lead Generation

    Utilizes advanced AI chatbot technology to engage homeowners in hail-damaged areas, ensuring roofing companies connect with qualified leads.

  • Hail & Homeowner Data Collection

    Leverages detailed data on hail events and homeowner demographics to pinpoint the most promising opportunities for roofing inspections.

  • Efficiency Enhancement

    Integrates seamlessly with existing sales strategies, including door-knocking efforts, to enhance outreach without replacing the personal touch.

  • Personalized Campaigns

    Offers customized messaging through cold calls, SMS, and email outreach, tailored to the unique needs of each roofing company and its target audience.

  • Significant Growth Impact

    Demonstrates an average increase of 84% in monthly qualified roofing inspections, driving profitability and business expansion in competitive hail-prone markets.


Increase leads


Increase leads


More Inspections


More Inspections


We call them for you


We call them for you


More revenue


More revenue

Our Service

We specialize in serving roofing companies operating in states frequently affected by hail damage, who are looking to significantly boost their number of qualified roofing inspections. Our innovative solution guarantees 15-20 qualified roofing inspections per month by leveraging the first-of-its-kind conversational voice chatbot technology. This AI-driven approach enables real-time targeted outreach to homeowners in hail-impacted areas, handling cold calls, SMS, and email outreach with unparalleled efficiency.

Qai Outreach Assistant Pricing


Qai Outreach Assistant


1000 Leads Skip Traced

1 Area Code DNC Scrub

500 Mins Ai Voice Outreach

Automated SMS Outreach Campaign

Automated Email Outreach Campaign



Qai Outreach Assistant


2000 Leads Skip Traced

2 Area Codes DNC Scrub

1000 Mins Voice Outreach

Automated SMS Outreach Campaign

Automated Email Outreach Campaign



Qai Outreach Assistant


3000 Leads Skip Traced

3 Area Codes DNC Scrub

2500 Mins Voice Outreach

Automated SMS Outreach Campaign

Automated Email Outreach Campaign


A word from Our Clients

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, dolor consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam

David Doe

Simple Company

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, dolor consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam

David Doe

Simple Company

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, dolor consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam

David Doe

Simple Company

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